Following a career in the health service as a clinical psychologist, Marguerite Holliday became Thames Valley Regional Care Co-ordinator for the charity LIFE last year. Her role entails supporting and supervising volunteers throughout the region, including those working in the LIFE Centre in Oxford.

Her other duties include networking and promoting the listening and counselling services that LIFE offers.

She said: “If I’ve not been in touch with you and you’d like to me to come and tell you more about what we do – please get in touch. I’m really keen to let everyone in the Oxford area know of the services we offer locally.”

The care centre, open on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10am –1pm, offers a non-directional counselling and a skilled-listening service to women of all ages who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy.

“After over 30 years of working in this field, we realise that what women need at this time is a safe space, impartial support and time to think for themselves – about the best way forward for them,” she added.

The centre is staffed by a team of volunteers, including Veronica Hanlon, currently acting care centre manager, trained counsellors and skilled-listeners, who offer pregnancy testing for those who do not yet know if they are pregnant, and time and information to those who feel confused or distressed by their situation. Whatever the final decision of the woman, LIFE can offer further support, in the form of practical help (financial, baby equipment and clothing); a referral to the Oxford LIFE house (which provides supported accommodation for women who are pregnant and for women with babies or young children); ongoing pregnancy counselling support, or after-abortion counselling.

They also offer counselling to men and women who have experienced pregnancy loss through abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy or adoption.

Fathers and other family members can feel distressed about these situations, and the service is open to them too. LIFE also runs a national telephone helpline and a text-to-talk service, free of charge.

Sue Doye, volunteer skilled listener at the Oxford Centre, said: “We listen to women of all ages and from many different backgrounds and circumstances. It is very interesting and fulfilling work since when women leave us they have had the chance to tell their story. They are often clearer about the next step for them and know that they can come back to us whatever happens.”

Life would like to develop its service, so are hoping to recruit a volunteer care centre manager. Details of this opportunity can be found on the OCVA website: or the national do-it website: Oxford LIFE Care Centre is at 130 High Street, Oxford, (opposite Café Nero, between White Stuff and Building Society, above the dental practice). Tel: 01865 202435, or visit: National Telephone Helpline: 0800 915 4600. Text: 07786 200330.

  • If you wish to contribute to this column, email Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action at