Pensioner Alan Butler has been keeping his blood pressure under control by running the OX5 Run for the past seven years.

The 68-year-old grandfather-of-six, from Sandford-on-Thames, near Oxford, developed blood pressure problems 12 years ago.

His GP offered him tablets, but he insisted on running instead as a way of keeping fit and as a result he did not need the medication.

He started out by running the Town & Gown fun run and when the Oxford Mail OX5 Run started in 2003, he completed the five-mile race around the grounds of Blenheim Palace in Woodstock.

Since 2003, Mr Butler has raised about £1,000 for the £30m Oxford Children’s Hospital, which opened in January 2007.

Mr Butler, a retired carpenter, said: “When I found out I had high blood pressure, my doctor told me I would be on medication for the rest of my life.

“I said ‘I’m not doing that’ and decided to take up running instead and now my blood pressure is excellent. The run has such a brilliant atmosphere that after I completed my first one, I was hooked.

“Blenheim is a beautiful place. I used to play there as a boy, so it brings back many memories and it is great to have so many people running the five miles together for such a good cause.”

He and his wife Mary, 66, can often be seen together on the streets around Sandford.

Mr Butler added: “Mary cycles alongside me to keep the pressure on — although sometimes she does complain that I am going too fast for her to keep up.

“I started by running round the garden a few times — I built it up bit by bit. Now I run up to 15 miles most weeks.

“In 1947, I remember going to the Radcliffe Infirmary to have my tonsils out and at one point I was dumped on the floor of a corridor.

“I’ve been round the new children’s hospital and the facilities are fantastic.”

Sarah Vaccari, communications manager for the hospital’s fundraising team, said: “Alan is a real inspiration.

“It’s fantastic he has taken part each year and we really hope people will be motivated by his dedication.

“The run raises money for the children’s hospital and pays for those added extras that make all the difference, so as well as being a fun way to keep fit, it really is a great cause.”

Members of the community and businesses raised £14m towards the £30m cost of the hospital in Headington.

More than 60,000 patients are now treated there every year.

This year’s OX5 Run is co-sponsored by Allen Associates and Motorworld.

The run takes place on Sunday, April 19.