I must respond to the inaccurate and venomous letter by Susan Thomas (Oxford Mail, January 22).

To accuse the Green Party of chopping down trees must be a first. We were supportive of the successful Lottery funding bid made by the community association to build a brand new community kitchen supporting healthy living initiatives.

The planning application was submitted by the Community Association and not the Green Party. It was a shame, but sadly true, that one fairly young cherry tree had to be sacrificed – but for the greater good. Sometimes you need to break an egg to make an omelette.

The Farmers' Market, although proudly supported by the Greens, does not belong to us, and is completely independent.

The zero-emissions development proposed as an idea for an innovative and bold solution to the dire housing problem was certainly not ridiculed by anyone I've heard about.

It should be stressed that the idea was simply an idea which was being explored.

Susan Thomas has failed to make even the scantest of research, because the idea was to build over the car park, thus retaining much needed parking for shoppers in Cowley Road.

Green councillors who care passionately for the community have been slurred and maligned, often personally because certain individuals have felt that their interests were threatened.

Can I suggest it is not the Green Party of Oxford that is creating mischief, but one aggrieved individual with an axe to grind.

Let’s hope we can draw a line under these wild, misleading accusations.

SID PHELPS, Chairman, Oxfordshire Green Party