Miracle baby Jardell Townsend is now nestling under a cosy knitted hat thanks to help from Oxford Mail readers.

Jardell’s mum Hailey Townsend, 24, appealed for help in finding hats which would fit her son.

The tot suffers from a condition causing the brain to swell and his skull to expand from 26cm to up to 41cm.

Within days, several eager knitters called the Oxford Mail offering to make Jardell a hat – and the first to deliver was May Russell, 80, from North Hinksey.

Mrs Russell, left, said: “I have been knitting hats for the premature babies at the John Radcliffe for six or seven years now and have knitted literally thousands, although most of these are very tiny, about the size of a tangerine.

“When I heard about Jardell needing a large hat, I made him two in about a day, with some lovely blue wool.”

Nineteen-week-old Jardell returned home to Balfour Road, in Blackbird Leys, at the weekend, after undergoing his third, major brain operation at Oxford Children’s Hospital.

He weighed just 2lb and was suffering from a catalogue of illnesses when he was born four months prematurely at the JR.

A haemorrhage meant the youngster developed fluid on the brain.

Ms Townsend, 24, who has three other children, said: “It’s so sweet to learn that people have been reading about Jardell and want to help him.

“Jardell’s condition means his head can swell at any time.

“These hats are beautiful. Very warm and cosy and just what he needs at the moment.

“We are so grateful for people’s kindness.”

Jardell's condition is now being closely monitored by the hospital.

Ms Townsend added: “It’s lovely to know other people are thinking about him” dwaite@oxfordmail.co.uk