Sir – Most residents and councillors of East Oxford welcome the moves made by the county council to consult with local residents about the proposed Controlled Parking Zones.

However we are not sure that county officers are listening and passing on our opinions and concerns.

In the early stages, at a meeting between county officers and city councillors, I asked the officers to make an assessment of whether a one-permit option would mean that there would be no need to allow pavement parking.

They duly carried out the assessment, but found that pavement parking might still be necessary as, even with only one permit per household, all cars would not fit on one side of the street. Surely this means that there is definitely not space for more than one car per household, even with parking on both sides of the street?

I really think the only viable option is to issue one permit per household, with an option of a second permit for those who need it for those who for professional, or child, or elderly care, reasons can easily prove that they need it.

With all the income generated from the permits the county could designate an officer to oversee the handing out of the second permit.

Pavement parking to the extent of leaving only one metre for pedestrians should not be an option. There are people in the area who use wheelchairs, children going to school and those like me who have to walk with my bicycle along the upper part of Divinity and Southfield Roads.

I hope the county will really take note of the needs of all.

Nuala Young, Oxford