A GRIEVING family last night unveiled plans for a memorial garden for a 21-year-old man killed in a car crash on Oxford’s bypass.

The family of Rishi Khera have raised almost half of their fundraising target of £10,000 to build a children’s playground and garden in his honour.

Mr Khera, a chauffeur, died when his silver BMW collided with a lorry at the Littlemore roundabout in July.

His mother Susan, of Lockheart Crescent, Cowley, said the family had just returned from a trip to India where they laid the first stone for the memorial garden on land donated by a family friend.

The 38-year-old housewife said seeing the site for the first time was emotional.

She said: “It feels like my son is going to have a home. I cried my eyes out when we laid the first stone.

“Rishi loved children so it will definitely help us remember him.”

She said the garden would be built in the city of Kapurthala in the Punjab region of India, home to Mr Khera’s grandparents, and would measure 85ft by 150ft.

The plans include a colour-changing water fountain, benches, speakers for background music, illuminated palm trees, a climbing frame, slide, swings, and a see-saw.

Mrs Khera said she hoped to install lights projecting her son’s name on to the road. Mr Khera’s family, including his mother, father Billy, 46, brothers Vikash, 13, and Rahul, 14, and sisters Ronica, 13, and Netisha, 18, hope to officially open the garden on July 26 next year, the first anniversary of his death.

Mrs Khera said she hoped to have a 22-piece band playing at the opening — to mark the fact Mr Khera would have now been 22 years old — and a troupe of dancers.

Since launching their fundraising campaign in September, the family have raised £4,500 by organising a series of events, including a cake sale, a nine-mile sponsored walk, a halloween party and non-school uniform days.

They are also planning a Christmas raffle, children’s party and a pub quiz.

Former Temple Cowley School pupil Mr Khera was born and brought up in Oxford, and moved to Coventry a year before his death.

He came back to the city regularly to see his family.

Mrs Khera said:“Opening the garden will mean that I have achieved something.

“I wanted something not just to remember Rishi in my heart but for everyone to remember him.”

Anyone wishing to donate to the campaign should call Mrs Khera on 07775 988101.
