Explosions of colour filled the skies over Abingdon as thousands of people descended on Dalton Barracks for the annual fireworks display.

Almost 4,000 people turned out to watch £3,000 of fireworks shoot into the sky.

There were also fairground rides, food stands and entertainment by Oxford-based drumming group Bop Samba, which performed at the event on Saturday.

Organiser Julian Annells, 48, of Dunmore Farm, Abingdon, said: “It was a very family-orientated event. I think people appreciated the free parking.

“The numbers were a little down on last year, but I think that was because of the weather forecast the week before. We didn’t have a bonfire, because the Ministry of Defence won’t allow it.

“I gave members of Bop Samba flourescent bands, which glowed in the dark and it looked really spectacular.”

Mr Annells, who has organised the event for seven years, said plans were already under way to make the display bigger and better next year.

He said: “We definitely want to attract more people. We want something that will be a real novelty.”