It is nice to see the Police ‘blitzing’ unlit cyclists, in Oxford High Street, with 83 fines in 2.5 hrs (Oxford Mail, October 27).

However, why are the fines rescinded on proof of lights purchase within one week of the offence?

Why not fine them £60, then rescind £30?

If I drove my car through town without lights, I would neither receive, nor expect, such lenient treatment.

I notice those questioned were all Oxford students. Doesn’t bode well for the future in the common sense stakes does it?

The police officers must have had a job keeping a straight face when hearing some of the excuses.

I would ask them, though, whether they are planning a similar exercise in other parts of Oxford, other than the high visibility centre of town that get the maximum media exposure for the minimum effort.

MICHAEL HEAVEY, Oxford Road, Old Marston, Oxford