The further adventures of Peter Mandelson, since his triumphant return, ought to give pause to dwindling numbers of voters still wondering whether to vote Tweedle-Lab or Tweedle-Con.

Mandelson and Tory Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne, were recently guests of the very shady Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, alongside members of the global super-rich on an £80,000,000 yacht anchored off Corfu.

Now a sordid row has broken out between certain of these guests.

A disgusting display of wealth at a time when the bankers have caused a world financial crisis that will be paid in money, blood and tears by hard-pressed inhabitants of the western hemisphere.

Gordon Brown may make utterances about Brand and Ross, but the worst culprits are power seekers in Parliament, their banker friends and the likes of Deripaska.

What does Mandelson — whose exit from the EU was eased by hefty transitional parachute payments and a large pension pot — have to say about it?

Well he said, ‘New Labour’ was “intensely relaxed about people becoming filthy rich.”

Aneurin Bevan once described certain Tories as “lower than vermin.” Perhaps he would now include Herbert Morrison’s grandson!

STEPHEN WARD Tudor Close Oxford