We want you to take two minutes tomorrow to remember everyone who has given their lives in the service of their country.

Tomorrow is the 90th anniversary of the end of the First World War and a national two-minute silence will be observed from 11am to show all service personnel due respect for their sacrifices.

Community leaders across the county last night appealed for as many people as possible to mark November 11th with a dignified two minutes’ silence.

Territorial Army 7 Rifles riflemen Scott-Russell Clark, 18, and Dave Young, 21, urged local people to respect the silence.

Mr Young, who will be deployed to Helmand province, Afghanistan, in March, said: “It is important everyone embraces the silence to show respect for everyone that died.”

Sgt Deborah Francis, 45, who did a six-month tour of Afghanistan with 7 Rifles, said: “I will be thinking back to this time last year, when I was in Camp Bastion. We were gathered around a memorial and all of the names of the soldiers that had died in that conflict were read out. It was incredibly moving.”

Wing Commander Steve Chadwick, the acting station commander at RAF Brize Norton, said: “Never has it been more important, coming up to the 90th anniversary of the Armistice on November 11, 1918.

“Since then we have continued to lose our brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, in battle.

“Since 1945, we have lost more than 16,000 servicemen and women in action, and every year we bring back in excess of 1,000 who are badly injured. They have to live with their injuries and the risks they put themselves into voluntarily.”

In February, Sgt Duane ‘Baz’ Barwood, 41, was killed when Basra air base came under fire.

He had served in the RAF for 23 years and was a much-loved figure in Carterton where he was a First Response volunteer for emergencies.

His name was last week etched on the war memorial.

Royal British Legion members plan to meet at Oxford Crematorium, near Barton, tomorrow.

RBL county chairman Mike Henderson said: “I hope as many people as possible come along.

“We have invited all the standard bearers and anyone who wants to come.”

He added businesses and other organisations were traditionally respectful of the two-minute silence.

At County Hall in New Road, county council chairman Tony Crabbe will lead a short act of Remembrance in the Common Hall for staff and councillors who wish to attend, from 10.45am, followed by the two-minute silence at 11am.

The Lord Mayor of Oxford accompanied by representatives from the Oxford branch of the Royal British Legion, has invited all city council staff to join her in observing the silence.

Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust said nursing staff would observe the silence, provided they were able to do so.

A spokesman for BMW Plant Oxford, said staff would “down tools” to observe the silence.