A group of Oxfordshire mums and dads are set to march through the streets of Oxford to celebrate “wearing” their babies.

The event, part of International Baby Wearing Week, has been organised by the Oxford Sling Meet, a group of like-minded parents who like to strap their children to them using slings rather than pushing them along in a buggy or pram.

Sling Meet founder Guinevere Webster, a clinical psychologist and mother of two, who lives in Florence Park, said carrying babies had numerous advantages.

She said: “Oxford is quite a good place for public transport and less good for driving and one of the huge advantages of using a sling rather than buggy is getting on and off buses.

“When my daughter, Jemima, was born four years ago, I didn’t see it nearly so much, so there’s definitely a zeitgeist where more and more people are getting interested.”

About 30 mums — and a couple of dads — have been attending monthly meetings, exchanging tips about different ways to carry your baby and using the Oxfordshire Sling Library, which has 45 different carriers which can be hired for a month for £2, since February.

Catherine Carr, 31, from Abingdon, said: “Carried babies cry less and you have your hands free to get on with day to day things. It’s also great for breastfeeding discretely when you’re out and about.”

The march will start at University Parks at 2pm next Saturday and will finish at Magdalen Street Church for tea and cakes at 3.30pm.

There will also be a baby-wearing dance class, at Donnington Community Centre, on Wednesday, between 11am and noon. All events are free of charge and open to all.