On October 22, during a Vale of White Horse District Council meeting, I asked the deputy leader of the Vale, Jerry Patterson, if he could assure the council that the whole of the Lib Dem group was supportive of a decision not to consult the residents of the Vale on the preferred choices in respect of any new waste collection arrangements.

This question referred mainly to the introduction of fortnightly collections. Cllr Patterson point blank refused to answer the question saying that "Cllr Jennings can work that out for himself."

The only conclusion I can draw from his refusual to respond is that not all of the Lib Dem group was supportive of his decision.

I am extremely angry that fortnightly collections could be imposed on Vale residents without the support of the ruling party, the opposition and certainly with no mandate from the public, as this was not in the Lib Dem 2007 election manifesto.

This ongoing saga shows the Liberal Democrats in their true light, having a sheer disregard for those who voted for them, and the members of their own party. Making them not very Liberal and far from Democratic.

GARETH JENNINGS, Vale of White Horse District Council, Kennington & South Hinksey Ward