One of the charms of living in Oxford for me has been the excellent bus service, which has made it possible to live here without running a car.

I was, therefore, much alarmed to receive the leaflet Transform Oxford, stating that there are too many buses.

Surely the whole current thrust of government thinking is to encourage people to use public transport.

Every area of pedestrianisation simply reduces the area which is available for transport.

The argument has been advanced that other historic towns have pedestrianised their city centres. But not all medieval towns are built to the same pattern.

This is the 21st century. The traffic is not going to disappear.

Surely it would be better to abandon all plans for pedestrianisation and concentrate on using the available space for light, swift running traffic streams.

And please, please, can we have the No 7 bus route restored to Headington.

I have also noted the plan to re-route our brilliant coach service.

If this implies locating it at the park and ride, I am totally opposed to it.

Some of the coaches run all night and, even when using a late-night coach to return from the theatre in London, I wouldn’t dare be deposited at a park-and-ride stop in Oxford in the middle of the night instead of the bus station where there are taxis.

We are so lucky to have this frequent and inexpensive service to London, Heathrow and Gatwick, that anything to discourage it would be deplorable.

NOELLE BROWN, Adelaide Street, Oxford