I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You're probably getting sick of going out in Oxford to find that £40 isn't enough for a night out. (That's not the secret – be patient. ) You're also probably getting sick of spotting someone gorgeous in a club, summoning up the courage to speak to said person, then upon opening your mouth all you get is their ferociously jealous boyfriend/girlfriend jumping in the way and giving you an earful of abuse or a mouthful of fist.

Oxford indeed seems, for some unknown reason, to be the relationship capital of the South by 'spoken for' to 'singleton' ratio.

OK, ready? The secret is Brookes Student Union club 'The Venue', at the top of Headington Hill. All you have to do, if not at Brookes, is queue up outside like the rest of the students on a Wednesday or Friday night and ask politely if one or two of them will sign you in. We used to do it all the time for people if they looked like they could be trusted not to cause trouble.

Peachy is the new night at The Venue, and it's a fancy dress super-party of leviathan proportions. If you're a student girl, fancy dress immediately seems to bring to mind that you must somehow be under duress to wear as few clothes as possible! If a guy, it's a different story – and they will choose every time to wear the most stupid outfit possible. I remember in my first year at a nearly identical night to this one, my crazy little Welsh friend James wearing little else but a coconut bra and a grass hula skirt at a Hawaiian themed night. The ladies love it though!

Like a peacock fanning its ridiculous plumage, the student peahens flock around and seem to be genuinely impressed. Lots of single, good-looking Freshers of both sexes accompanied by a cheap bar, out to have a great time, is what Peachy is all about. So if it sounds good to you, head away from town for one week out of your busy social calendar.

The Venue is a big club, probably the biggest in Oxford – or at least in the top three with the Regal and the Carling Academy. Peachy was great fun, and I had a particularly good time reliving my student days by downing an entire pint of Snakebite and Black in the style of Johnny Wilkinson stepping up to convert a world cup try – you'd have to be there, and even then you probably wouldn't be amused. But I enjoyed it!

So go and try it out soon. I'm convinced that you'll have an easier time than I'm having with my quest to sneak in to all the Oxford college bars with one of my friends and have a pint – it's proving to be slightly more difficult than anticipated! But shhh, that's yet another of my secrets...