Traders and residents are gearing up for a three-day Christmas celebration later this month to mark the start of the festive season.

Headington shopping precinct will hold its Christmas Experience between Thursday, November 27, and Saturday, November 29.

Street and tree lights will be switched on at 7pm on the Thursday by Oxford United defender Luke Foster, followed by an evening of music and carols in London Road.

Headington Action Group chairman James Bloice Smith said it was important to retain the Christian values of the celebrations.

He said: “The Christmas story is among the world’s great stories. By that I mean it’s had a fantastic influence on thought and it’s a great mistake to get rid of that.

“This event is also about trying show Headington is vibrant and show people that it is still a shopping centre for the whole community to enjoy.”

On the Friday, children from St Andrew’s and Windmill primary schools will take part in an Advent Pageant in Bury Knowle Park from 1pm, followed by a procession through the streets before finishing up at All Saints Church in Lime Walk at 3pm.