So the Conservatives are planning to 'Transform Oxford', but at what cost environmentally and financially? The plans look as if they were worked out on the back of an envelope!

Yes to the long planned and awaited pedestrianisation and removal of buses in Queen Street.

Yes to more high quality paving and smarter bus ticketing.

But no to the proposals that appear to cut our city in two.

Passengers travelling into the city from the east must not be forced to change buses at The Plain.

People wanting to travel through the city from north to east will have an even more inconvenient journey than at present.

Plans to transform Oxford will fail if they cannot put this right. Another worry is the rumours that pedestrianising the area between Broad and High streets will mean no cycling in those streets.

The more we hear of these proposals, the more it sounds less pro-pedestrian than anti-bus and anti-cyclist.

We are promised consultation but look what good that did Oxford when the views on charging for residents' parking were ignored. This time let's hope the Tories have the humility to listen and learn from the people of Oxford who they too often ignore.

Let's not waste the people's time with thinking which, frankly, should never have been thought in the first place.

David Rundle

Liberal Democrat Group Leader

Oxford City Council

Roz Smith

Oxfordshire County Council