A mental health charity made homeless in April is appealing for help to provide a safe haven for people this Christmas.

Mind in Cowley, which was known as Acorn, was based at Cowley Community Centre in Barns Road for 23 years.

But the charity, which provides support, information and friendship to 70 people with mental issues, was forced to leave after the building was condemned by the city council fire safety officer last year.

Since then, project manager Beth Brown-Reid and her staff have been struggling to keep the service going, by offering drop-in sessions in different centres in Headington, East Oxford and Blackbird Leys.

Mrs Brown-Reid is now desperate for help in finding another permanent base and in making sure her users have a Christmas to look forward to.

She said: “It has been extremely stressful since April when we lost our permanent base.

“People with mental health problems need stability and a sense of safety and although we have managed to carry on providing drop-in sessions, our users often find it very difficult to adjust to going to different places in the week.

“Just working out which buses they need to catch to get there can be an extra stress upon their already very complicated lives.

“At this time of year, providing stability to our users is doubly important, as for many, the winter months can lead to severe depression. Over the years, our help has prevented many suicides.”

Mind in Cowley caters for adults aged 18 through to their 70s, with a range of mental problems, from mild depression, to psychotic disorders.

Some people rely on the service for information and advice, others for its activities and for many, the social interaction with others at Mind is their only regular human contact.

Chris Bussell, 50, from Oxford, said Mind in Cowley has been a “lifeline”.

He added: “I have been attending the group for four years and at one point I was made homeless and spent six months sleeping in my car. When Beth found out she set about helping me find somewhere to live. I now have a safe home.

“Hers and the group’s help has been invaluable to me. As a sufferer of mental illness I know how easily it can take over your life.

“Having a group like this means friendship and support and having a base would make the difference to a lot of vulnerable people.”

Mrs Brown-Reid said: “At this time of the year I would normally be organising Christmas for our users. We pride ourselves on giving them a Christmas tree, a party and entertainment and even small presents, but this year things are so hard with finding new premises, I really don’t know if we are going to have the money or the venue to give these people the Christmas they deserve.”

She added: “I would love to hear from anyone who could help us, with finding a permanent base for Mind, or with our Christmas plans.

“If someone could rent us a place in Cowley, we could offer a central location for all our users.

“And any business which could offer us a cheap Christmas meal or small, unisex Christmas gifts would be angels to us.”

If you can help Mind in Cowley, please contact Beth Brown-Reid on 07778 108888.

For details of Mind in Cowley’s drop-in sessions, call 07505 628351 or visit mindincowley@oxfordshire-mind.org.uk