Strike action which could have caused dozens of schools across Oxfordshire to close has been narrowly averted.

A slim majority of members of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) voted in favour of going out on strike over pay later this month — but because the majority was so small, the union’s executive last night decided it did not have sufficient mandate to take action.

Oxfordshire NUT president, and NUT executive member, Chris Blakey said: “In view of the slim majority, 51.7 per cent in favour, it is probably the best way to make sure the NUT stays together.

“Teachers in Oxfordshire, who I know are very angry about the pay situation, are telling me the time is not right and I think they would support this decision.”

An estimated 1,800 Oxfordshire teachers went on strike earlier this year, with 600 marching through the streets of Oxford in protest over a below inflation pay increase of 2.45 per cent.

Hundreds of public sector workers in the county are planning to walk out on Monday after civil servants in the Public and Commercial Services Union voted to strike over a below inflation pay rise of two per cent. Job centres and driving test centres are expected to be affected.

Among the strikers will be hundreds of workers at the Inland Revenue offices in John Smith Drive, Cowley and about 90 workers at the job centre in Gloucester Green in the city centre.

A walkout by court clerks, ushers and security guards is not expected to close any of the courts in Oxford or across the county.

Managers and agency staff are expected to fill the empty posts.