Bogus callers targeted pensioners in South Oxfordshire.

Two men called at the home of a couple in their 80s in Didcot Road, Long Wittenham, sometime early yesterday afternoon and cut the phone line then looked around the house but did not steal anything.

At about 7pm, an elderly woman woke to find two men inside her house in Harcourt Green, Wantage.

It is not known if anything was stolen.

Det Con Will Downey said: “I am appealing for information from anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the area. I would also like to remind the public about the following advice about how to deal with unexpected callers at your home.

“Always chain your door before opening it and never let anyone into your home unless you are absolutely certain you know who they are. Check all callers ID and you can even call 999 if you are worried about who might be at your door.

“If you do allow someone into your home but grow suspicious of them, do not be embarrassed to challenge them. If they are legitimate they will understand your concern and be happy to show you their ID.

“There is no reason why a stranger should ever come into your home. All agencies or utility companies should make an appointment and also use a password system.

“It is important to know there is no such thing as the water board.”

Anyone with information should contact police on 08458 505505 or speak to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.