Sir – Remembrance Sunday this year falls on November 9. I hope many people will come to the moving ceremony in St Giles, but even if they can’t, I hope they will still support the Poppy Appeal.

At the Service of Remembrance during the two minutes’ silence we remember the dead of two World Wars, as well as those who have died and are still dying in recent conflicts.

We can be very proud of our armed services, who are hugely respected throughout the world and who continue to have a vital peace-keeping role.

This year, the service has particular relevance as it will mark the 90th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

Many Oxford people fought in both World Wars and many died defending the freedoms we still enjoy.

The veterans will be on parade on Sunday and deserve our thanks and respect.

The Royal British Legion does a great job caring for the needs of former and current members of the Armed Forces and their dependants.

The Poppy appeal is the Legion’s principle source of funds.

The Remembrance Day service is open to everyone, of all faiths and commitments.

I hope all your readers, in their own way, will remember the military and civilian victims of war at 11am on Sunday, November 9, and also on Tuesday, November 11, when I will be leading another two minutes’ silence in the Town Hall.

Susanna Pressel, Oxford