Sir – Great news that some councils are going to switch off lights at night to save energy and help combat climate change.

Let's hope Oxford soon follows in their footsteps. We could replace essential lights with movement-activated lights that switch on and off only when needed.

These would be particularly appropriate in areas where recycling bins are for example, instead of having a light on all night.

I've never needed to empty the rubbish bin at 4am! I have some other tips that might help with climate change.

Get rid of those nasty, smelly, ear-splittingly noisy leaf blowers that sweep leaves off the roads and pavements so that the wind can blow them back again. (I can hear one outside at the moment.) Instead let some of our strong and active men and women use brooms and brushes to collect the leaves from the pathways and roads up to make into leaf mould.

If my grandmother could do it, I'm sure modern man could do it.

Carole Cutcliffe (Mrs), Headington