Sir – I am not surprised that a majority of citizens have supported a 20mph speed limit. Indeed, it would be a treat to be able to get up to 20mph whilst trying to avoid crazy cyclists and school-run 4x4s.

What is not clear is whether the citizens who responded we re aware that it was proposed to spend £300,000 on silly signs. I would be very interested to know whether a majority of people support this.

Anyway, it looks like another victory for the cycling lobby. It seems that when you allow perfectly decent people to mount bicycles, they turn into self-righteous and unpredictable monsters.

This week, as a pedestrian, I was almost knocked down twice in central Oxford by cyclists going through red lights.

With one of the malefactors (a middle-aged man who no doubt in real life is a Good Citizen who grows organic vegetables and hates cigarette smokers), I almost had a cycle-rage incident when I remonstrated.

On the same day, as a motorist, I was turning right off the Banbury Road in early-evening rain and darkness, when at the last moment I spotted a cyclist in my path. He had no lights and was wearing dark clothing.

Cyclists should be compelled to wear luminous jackets in the dark (as in France). And there should be an on-the-spot fine of £100 for those riding without lights. It might help to pay for the silly signs.

Nigel Clarke, Oxford