Sir – There seems to be a flurry of promises from the Tory county council for Oxford residents. The latest is this plan for so-called pedestrianisation of central Oxford (Report, October 24). Why has it taken so long?

We've also been promised a much-needed pelican crossing at Iffley Road, help with youth work in Littlemore and the consultation over the 20mph limit.

Don't get me wrong. I'm delighted the city and county councils are working so closely together for the benefit of the public.

But some people might think Kaiser Keith has his eye on next year's county elections. It's no secret that councillor Mitchell would dearly love to win even one county seat for the Tories next June.

At present there is not a single Conservative councillor in Oxford. Beware of Tories bearing gifts.

John Tanner, Board member for a Cleaner, Greener Oxford City Council