Sir – The plans to make an improved pedestrian zone in the city centre to some extent look attractive and exciting, but I can’t help wondering if any thought has been given to bus passengers.

At present people are able to travel into the city centre by bus for work or leisure activities including shopping and using businesses located there, but how will they be able to do this once bus journeys have to terminate at The Plain, St Aldates, Frideswide Square or St Giles?

Has any thought been given to the practicalities of transporting passengers, especially the elderly or infirm, to the city centre from these points If superbuses are to be used, then a large fleet will be needed and where will these wait for passengers?

Frideswide Square and St Giles cover fairly large areas so perhaps it may be possible to have some sort of bus park enabling a swift and frequent service into the city from those points, but where could buses stand at The Plain and St Aldates?

Even if these problems are overcome, journey times into the centre of Oxford will increase. This will add to the length of the working day for those who have jobs in the city centre and may well mean that people will no longer come to Oxford for shops or businesses, or to go to the cinema or theatre, or to eat out.

Bus passengers need to make their thoughts known to councillor Mitchell and his cabinet colleagues, all of whom were elected to represent people living well outside Oxford city boundaries.

I suggest that people who realise that their bus journey in to the city centre will be curtailed by this plan contact their city or county councillor(s) and explain how journey times will be affected.

Judith Penrose Brown, Abingdon