Police have urged people in Oxfordshire to lock their vehicles when they attend bonfire and fireworks displays tonight.

Chief Insp Dennis Evernden, of Thames Valley Police, said: “Drivers should check to make sure that they haven’t left their coat, handbag, mobile, sat nav, briefcase, laptop, shopping or any money in their car.

“A vehicle left unlocked or with windows open is an invitation to a thief, so don't leave your vehicle insecure — even for the length of the firework display. It can be enough time for a thief to make off with your vehicle and any possessions left inside.

“If you do decide to enjoy the evening at home, make sure you lock the door when you go into the garden and at the end of the night, lock or bolt any side access gates and doors.”

Extra police will be employed over the Bonfire Night period to target those who cause criminal damage and anti-social behaviour.

Police community support officers will continue high-visibility patrols to reassure residents and to deter unacceptable behaviour.