Jason Cloete is within an ace of becoming a national champion – but he needs people’s votes to clinch it.

Jason, 15, from Peregrine Way, Grove, is in the finals of a national competition run by the skateboarding Sidewalk magazine.

He was videoed by his friend John Trenchard doing skateboard tricks in Grove, Abingdon, Oxford and Milton Keynes – and he so impressed the judges they made him one of five finalists.

Jason, a pupil at King Alfred’s School, in Wantage, got into skateboarding after watching friends.

He said: “I thought that looked cool, tried it and discovered I was pretty good at it.

“I enjoyed doing the tricks and I love skateboarding,” he added.

To win the contest he has to get the public’s vote – after they have viewed the video of him in action, online.

If he wins, his prize will be a year’s sponsorship by the DVS shoe company.