Kirk Smith, 30, of Monks Close, Oxford, admitted possession of cannabis on October 5 at Oxford. Fined £100 and ordered to pay a victim's surcharge of £15. No costs

Manbahadur Thapa, 48, of Cowley Road, Oxford, admitted drink-driving on October 5 at Oxford. Disqualified from driving for 20 months, fined £300, ordered to pay costs of £60 and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Arren Tomkins, 22, of Masons Road, Headington, Oxford, admitted threatening behaviour on October 5 at Oxford. Conditionally discharged for 12 months, and ordered to pay costs of £60.

Monique Williams, 45, of Cowley Road, Oxford, admitted stealing baby wipes, lotion and batteries to the value of £68.26, on September 30 at Cowley.

Conditionally discharged for 12 months and ordered to pay £60 costs.

Zanna Radinova, 34, of Florence Park Road, Oxford, admitted failing to provide breath for analysis as required to do so on September 27 in Oxford. Disqualified from driving for 12 months, fined £175, ordered to pay costs of £60 and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Stephen Rushmer, 44, of Farmers Close, Witney, admitted being drunk and disorderly in a public place on October 15, in Walton Street, Oxford. Fined £50 and ordered to pay a victim's surcharge of £15.

Jerome Carbon, 19, of Abingdon Road, Oxford, admitted handling stolen goods in the form of a BlackBerry mobile phone, and then using threats of unlawful violence, on September 18 at Oxford. Sentenced to a two-month detention and training order.

Derek Atkins, 18, of Cricket Road, Cowley, Oxford, admitted failing to comply with a community order on September 20. Fined £35, ordered to pay costs of £50 and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Fabian Ireson-Dalton, 22, of Mortimer Road, Rose Hill, Oxford, admitted failing to comply with a community order on September 28. Curfew requirement added for eight weeks, and ordered to pay costs of £50.

Gulfaraz Khan, 30, of no fixed abode, admitted stealing a razor to the value of £49.99 from Superdrug in Cornmarket Street, Oxford. Fined £100, and ordered to pay a victim's surcharge of £15.


Parveen Alam, 37, of Kingfisher Green, Oxford, found guilty of using a television set without a licence on July 7. Fined £265, ordered to pay costs of £60 and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Andrie Antony, 25, of Crescent Road, Oxford, found guilty of using a television set without a licence between April 8 and May 9. Fined £175, ordered to pay costs of £60 and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Samantha Applewaite, 23, of Knights Road, Oxford, found guilty of using a television set without a licence on June 25. Fined £265, ordered to pay costs of £60, and a victim's surcharge of £15.


Trevor Turney, 48, of Hill Close, Newland, found guilty of not giving information to the Department of Works and Pensions as required by the Child Support Act 1991. Fined £350, ordered to pay costs of £75, and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Steven Gull, 43, of Arundel Place, Banbury, admitted failing to notify a change in circumstances regarding social security entitlement between June 21, 2006, and March 6, 2007. Conditionally discharged for 18 months and fined £50.

Dawid Rzepka, 23, of Rookery Way, Bicester, admitted drink-driving on October 4 at Bicester. Found to have 71 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Disqualified from driving for 20 months, fined £220, ordered to pay costs of £60 and a victim’s surcharge of £15.

Adrian Kirstan, 55, of Windmill Road, North Leigh, admitted drink-driving on October 6 at Kidlington. Found to have 66 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Disqualified from driving for 18 months, fined £100, and ordered to pay a victim’s surcharge of £15.

John Beech, 28, of Alma Road, Banbury, found guilty of fishing without a licence, on April 20, at Clattercote Reservoir, near Banbury. Fined £80, ordered to pay costs of £75, and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Stewart Scholes, 22, of Pembroke Place, Bampton, admitted depositing controlled waste without a licence on March 2 at Marsh Lane, Clanfield. Fined £70, ordered to pay costs of £200, compensation of £30.25, and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Marc Trusler, 20, of School View, Banbury, admitted being drunk and disorderly in a public place, on September 26 at Banbury. Also admitted threatening behaviour on April 24 at Banbury. Fined £160, ordered to pay costs of £45, and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Paul Woodward, 28, of Cromwell Road, Banbury, admitted being carried in a car knowing it had been taken without the owner's consent. Fined £70, ordered to pay costs of £60, and a victim's surcharge of £15.

Daniel Hood, 24, of Blenheim Drive, Bicester, found guilty of assault at Bicester on October 6 2007. Ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid community work, pay costs of £325 and compensation of £100.

Matas Hood, 22, of Hudson Street, Bicester, found guilty of assault on October 6, 2007, at Bicester. Ordered to carry out unpaid community work for 180 hours, compensation of £500 and costs of £325.

Arthur Biddle, 53, of Davis Close, Carterton, admitted drink-driving on September 1 at Carterton. Found to have 132 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Given a 12-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, disqualified from driving for three years, and ordered to pay costs of £50.

Michelle Light, 18, of South Newington Road, Barford St Michael, admitted drink-driving on September 25, at Banbury. Found to have 43 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Disqualified from driving for 12 months, fined £200, ordered to pay costs of £70 and a victim's surcharge of £15.