Barracks Lane Community Garden in East Oxford was a bright place to be amongst the winter gloom on Saturday night.

Neighbours designed and made these lanterns in the shape of animals and fire symbols to mark the culmination of this year’s events at the community garden near Cowley Road.

On Saturday, families displayed their work at a get together in the public area.

Stories were also told at the garden, which has been transformed from derelict land into an attractive outdoor area.

The parade’s organiser, artist Katy Beinart, said: “It was one of a series of workshops we had at the garden this year.

“The events are aimed at families and are all about playing outdoors.

“This event was the culmination of all the events we have had this year.

“We had a story teller and the lanterns were based on her stories.

“The lanterns were colourful and looked lovely.

“We had a parade down the garden and then lit a bonfire.”

About 40 people joined the event.

The community garden was set up in April last year. This year’s events included a seed exchange, swap shop and harvest festival.