A retired financial director's home was bombarded with faeces and paint bombs in a nasty Halloween prank.

James Jamieson was expecting to receive harmless visits from trick or treaters on Friday evening – and even had sweets ready to give them.

When he heard knocking at the front window of his house in Ashton Road, Bampton, near Witney, on Friday, he thought it was youngsters having fun and didn’t respond to the noise.

He said: “I later drew back the curtains to discover paint all across the outside and the inside of the window.

“It had come through vents in the window and had stained our curtains.”

On Saturday morning the 59-year-old discovered further damage. He said: “I went outside and could see red, green and black paint bombs had been thrown at the house.

“I was also shocked to see bags of dog faeces had been thrown too and were on the front lawn.

“The paint has stained the front of the house, which will probably have to be steam-cleaned.

“I can’t quite believe it. We have lived in Bampton for 18 months and it seemed like such a lovely, friendly village.”

A police spokesman confirmed officers were investigating the incident, but could not release details of other acts of vandalism in the county, related to Halloween.

Mr Jamieson said: “This was a nasty prank. It could cost £200 to fix the damage.”