A shop has been banned from selling alcohol after frequently getting caught selling it to 14- and 15-year-old children.

McColls in Millbrook Square, Grove, has failed three trading standards test purchase operations in the past year and on five occasions since 2003.

Earlier this year the shop’s alcohol licence was suspended for two weeks after it failed a test-purchase operation.

Yesterday, Vale of White Horse District Council revoked the shop’s alcohol licence after a meeting of the licensing committee heard it was caught selling alcohol to underage teenagers again in August.

Sgt Andy Fiddler, of Wantage Police, told the hearing that drunken youths had been causing trouble in the area near the shop, but police could not prove the underage teenagers had bought their alcohol from McColls.

The committee heard McColls has increased training of staff on alcohol sales and introduced a ‘Think 30’ policy. Shop management told the hearing that without the profit alcohol brings, the store may be forced to shut, causing 12 redundancies and the closure of a sub post office.

Committee chairman Robert Sharp said: “We have no confidence further conditions or suspensions would adequately address licensing conditions.”

Shoppers in Millbrook Square yesterday welcomed the alcohol ban. Nora Johnson, 82, said: “It’s good because there is a bit of trouble round here at night.”

McColls did not want to comment.