Police today renewed an appeal for witnesses after three further houses were burgled in the Witney area, bringing the total to six in the same series.

At some time between Sunday and yesterday, a rear window was forced at a property in Woodstock Road and jewellery worth £1,200 was stolen.

Between Tuesday and yesterday, someone attempted to force windows at the rear of a house in Beech Road. They may have gained entry to the property but it seems nothing was stolen.

Then in Church Street, Ducklington, a window was forced on a property overnight between Wednesday and yesterday. Two copper-coloured ‘luster’ jugs were stolen, which are of great sentimental value to the owner.

These burglaries are in addition to three others previously publicised, which occurred on Wednesday.

At some time between 10.30am and 8pm there was an attempt to enter a property in Chedworth Drive, but nothing was stolen. Between 11am and 9pm, a house was broken into in Woodlands Road and jewellery was stolen.

Between 7.20pm and 8pm, another house in Woodlands Road was entered via an upstairs window. The residents were at home, but they neither saw nor heard anything.

A wallet containing £400 cash and bank cards was stolen along with some jewellery, including a silver cigarette case.

Det Con Kerry Boyle, of the Priority Crime Team at Witney, said: “It is unusual for the Witney area to have this many burglaries in such a short time, so it does concern us.

“If you saw anything suspicious over the last few days in the areas of the burglaries, particularly any suspicious vehicles, please contact us. None of the address are secluded and are in places where there is a good chance people may have seen something. Also, if you have been offered any jewellery for sale at a cheap price, please get in touch.

“Many of these houses have been left unoccupied for some time - it is a stark reminder that residents should take measures to deter burglars by making it look as though someone is at home when they are away.

“Make sure your house is never left in darkness: leave your curtains pulled use timer switches to make sure you have lighting coming on when it gets dark and maybe even a radio. A burglar will look for houses in darkness; make sure you’re not one of their victims.”

Det Con Boyle can be contacted via the Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505.

If you don’t want to talk to police and don’t want to leave your name, call the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.