I was interested to see on TV, also in the paper, that services in the libraries are to be cut due to people, borrowers, or members of the libraries not taking out or renting DVDs and CDs etc.

Isn't this because so many people are taking them out free of charge!

I've been told if you join the library and say you are disabled, i.e.mainly young people who say they are dyslexic, you can take them out with no charge.

I was behind a young man who took five DVDs out and paid nothing.

When I took a DVD out I was charged £3.50 and I'm an OAP but honest.

I asked the assistant at Cowley library how this could happen, she wouldn't comment.

Isn't it about time the OCC would know that any scheme like this is open to abuse. It is passed from one person to another. People from Oxford University and Brookes are all part of this easy scheme.

Isn't it about time OCC stopped this nonsense and the honest people of Oxford, the people who pay high council tax, a part of which goes towards libraries, are paying for this free service to these people who know all the dodges to get something free.

Wake up OCC and do something about this outrageous con.

Harry Taylor, Iffley Road, Oxford