It's been a long time since my last entry, partly because so much has been going on but mainly because we have a new system and I couldn't figure out how to use it!

In the last six weeks or so Littl'un tore a hole in her chin, had to have it glued and added 20 years each to mine and her dad's life.

- Her dad at one point wondered out loud whether anyone would want to marry her - such was his pain!

We also went on holiday for a week to Spain and had a fab time - although we realised that her apparent dislike of people dressed up as characters is more like a phobia (I think Dino the Dinosaur actually started running off when he saw us by the end of our week there!) Perhaps the biggest thing that has happened however, is learning that we are all moving to the seaside. Himself has somehow scooped a fab new job in charge of a paper in Dorset and so littl'un and I will hopefully be spending next summer at the beach, instead of the park.

- That's if we can sell our house that is.

It's up for sale but how quickly someone will buy it is anyone's guess.

Anyhow, like I say, so much has happened and the tiddler has changed so much in the last couple of months it's difficult to really catch up.

Her dad has started to refer to her as his little girl, not his baby, she has a cute bob which I managed to cut for her last week and she can now almost count to 10.

No sign of potty training yet though - not keen at all about that!

She has also said she wants a baby sister !!!!

- We have promised her a bike.