Russell Brand has resigned from his Radio 2 programme following prank calls he made with Jonathan Ross to actor Andrew Sachs.

It follows a public apology from Ross over his "juvenile and thoughtless remarks". Earlier, it was announced the pair would be suspended and all their shows taken off air until the BBC had investigated the issue.

Fawlty Towers actor Mr Sachs, 78, said he had "respect" for Brand's decision. He was upset after Brand and Ross left a series of lewd messages on his voicemail about the actor's 23-year-old granddaughter, Georgina Baillie.

In a statement, Mr Brand said that he took "complete responsibility" for the incident. He added: "As I only do the radio show to make people laugh I've decided that, given the subsequent coverage, I will stop doing the show.

"I got a bit caught up in the moment and forgot that, at the core of the rude comments and silly songs, were the real feelings of a beloved and brilliant comic actor and a very sweet and big-hearted young woman."

He had presented his Saturday night show since November 2006 and is believed to have been paid more than £200,000 a year.

BBC Director-General Mark Thompson said it was "not appropriate for either Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross to continue broadcasting on the BBC until I have seen the full report".

Speaking to the Oxford Mail, Wantage MP Ed Vaizey, the shadow arts minister, said: "It's not the end of the matter. It was an editorial decision to broadcast so the editors have to be accountable.

"I think Jonathan Ross's salary is extraordinary and on no possible commercial grounds can it be justified — it's 30 times the Prime Minister's salary."

He said he was not keen on Mr Ross's style of humour, saying: "We all remember Ross's unbelievably offensive remarks to David Cameron."

He added if Ross was re-instated, it should be on a smaller salary.