Why don't politicians read the history books before embarking on wars which they cannot win and which cause untold misery, death and destruction, together with a burning hate which will never go away.

Apart from the criminal/terror element in any society, the population of the world just want to be left alone to get on with their lives in peace.

The Second World War saw the Allies invade Europe to free countries from Nazi oppression and return them to home rule.

This 'invasion' was welcomed by those countries, but the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is totally different.

Outside influences are trying to tell their native population what they should be doing and who should be in charge. It will not work! The British would never put up with a foreign invader, yet our politicians think that Afghanistan and Iraq must do what they are told and accept forced changes to their previous way of life and wonder why they don't like it!

After the Second World War, there was a bloodbath against collaborators and without doubt the same will apply now, when and if we leave these tormented nations.

Since the 10th Century, Afghanistan has been the subject of invasion etc. Queen Victoria could not force it to accept British rule and in more recent times neither could the Russians.

As a national serviceman (RAF) in 1955, I was stationed at Habbaniya in Iraq and we were not popular with all of the locals then.

One of the instructions given to us in the camp was: "If you wish to travel to Baghdad, do not stop in Falluja." It has been the scene of many of our troops being killed in the last few years.

Please will our politicians wake up to the situation and pull out now? There is no easy solution and it is time our young men and women are not forced to put their lives at risk for the folly of others who remain out of harms way and yet insist the 'fight must go on'.

Peter Collins Hinksey Hill Oxford