I refer to Chris Robins' letter 'Utter Bankruptcy' (Oxford Mail, October 17) in which he accuses the Thatcher Government for today's credit crisis.

What he fails to mention of course is the fact that this Government has had its opportunity to put right the Thatcher economics in the 11 years that it has been power but has chosen to do nothing about it or, which is more likely, that they agreed with those policies.

It had as its Chancellor of the Exchequer for 10 years, the modern day Nero, the buffoon who is now the 'non-elected' leader of the country, who has encouraged the boom and bust policies so beloved by NU Labour because it enabled him/them to hit the average working man with yet more taxation both direct and indirect (mainly the latter) to an average of almost 50 per cent of income without a squeak coming from us.

This is now coming home to roost! He also fails to mention the record level of debt that this country finds itself burdened with now as a result of this Government's policies. I think this year alone it is something like £66bn, possibly rising as high as £81bn. In another sentence he tries to shift the blame from the current government again on to the Tories.

Mr Robins, it is you trying to make cheap political capital by covering up the mistakes of this Government on the back of a now defunct government of history.

Ken Jones Fernhill Road Begbroke