I am wondering why there is so much disparity between Oxford City Council services. It appears some are well run and efficient, with others letting the team down.

I am fed up with the fortnightly collections for recycled glass. The lorry has a habit of compacting glass at the bottom of Newman Road, Littlemore. This process sprays glass shards over the pavement and road outside my car-port and has to be swept up and removed, by residents usually.

9am, Friday, October 17, I decided to make a complaint to City Works, Marsh Road. My call was logged, they assured me a team would attend that same day to clear the mess. This did not happen.

My son visiting on Saturday was appalled at the amount of broken glass and promptly did the job for the council. He could not stand by and watch potential injury occur to pedestrians or dogs. Some questions need an answer. Is the lorry fit for purpose? Are the workers applying correct procedures for loading glass? Do council workers have to abide by the same littering laws as ourselves and if so, why are they continually leaving debris in their wake? I will not put any more glass out for recycling until I am assured the relevant department has solved the problem without being economical with the truth.

Alan Kerry Cowley Road Littlemore Oxford