Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand have been suspended in the wake of the controversy over their lewd calls to veteran Fawlty Towers star Andrew Sachs, the BBC has announced.

The corporation has already apologised to Mr Sachs after the pair left answerphone messages during their Radio 2 show saying Brand had slept with his granddaughter, 23-year-old Georgina Baillie, an aspiring model.

The presenters also joked that the actor might kill himself as a result.

Ross, 47, has since issued a personal apology, with Brand, 33, following suit.

The decision came as the BBC received 18,000 complaints over the furore.

BBC director general Mark Thompson said it was "not appropriate for either Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross to continue broadcasting on the BBC until I have seen the full report of the actions of all concerned".

Speaking to the Oxford Mail, Wantage MP Ed Vaizey, the shadow arts minister, said: "I think it's the right decision, but it's also not the end of the matter.

"It was an editorial decision to broadcast so the editors have to be accountable,.

"The fact is the BBC has been very slow to react.

"The fundamental issue here is why weren't proper safeguards in place given that this wasn't a live show?

"Ross and Brand are only half the issue. I think Jonathan Ross's salary is extraordinary and on no possible commercial grounds can it be justified — it's 30 times the Prime Minister's salary.

"We all remember Ross's unbelievable offensive remarks to David Cameron — I am not a fan of his brand of humour.

"Speaking personally, I am not a fan of Ross. If the BBC bring him back, they should do so on a lot lesser salary."