An elderly couple who have been targeted by yobs say they are dreading Halloween. Police have suspended officers' leave and sending out extra patrols during Halloween on Friday to combat an expected surge in trouble. Calls to police increase by about five per cent on Halloween. This year, residents have been advised to pick up or download a Thames Valley Police poster asking callers celebrating Halloween not to knock on their doors. But Audrey Marchant, 74, and husband Robert, 64, of Bowerman Close in Kidlington, said they remained fearful. Mrs Marchant said: "We have one of the posters in our window, but I think that it may just be like a red rag to a bull. There's a little gang round here and they won't take notice of anything. "We are desperately hoping we don't have eggs and flour and all that business again. With Halloween and Bonfire Night it's a terrible time of year." The couple has been tormented by youths hurling eggs, flour and abuse at their house for months. When Mr Marchant found a yob in his back garden and hauled him into his house to wait for police, he was arrested for common assault, although the case was later dropped. Cowley-based Police Community Support Officer Catherine Timms, said: "Trick-or-treaters should be respectful of those displaying the posters. "Parents should accompany their children when possible and be informed of exactly where they wish to go. Halloween is a fun time, but only when people act appropriately. If you are intimidated in any way and do not wish to open the door, then don't." Last year, there were six reports of damage to houses and nine incidents of vandalism to cars caused by Halloween antics. That fell from six and 13 respectively the year before. A lit firework was posted through a letter box of a house in Ramsay Road, in Headington, while a family of four were asleep causing severe fire damage. Eggs were hurled at homes and windows smashed in Blackbird Leys and Marston and a firework was put through a letterbox in Greater Leys. The 'No Trick or Treat' posters can be printed from the website