A 25-year-old builder was killed by a cocaine addiction he kept hidden from his parents for more than six years, an inquest heard.

Steven Tizzard,of Gibson Close, Abingdon, died suddenly at his parent's home after a mysterious seizure in March.

The death left his parents baffled, but a pathologist found Mr Tizzard died from a cocaine-induced seizure after taking "large quantities" of the Class A drug.

In a statement read out in court, friend Lee Dancer described how Mr Tizzard, who worked at A&I Contractors in Abingdon, was a heavy user of cocaine.

Mr Dancer said he knew the labourer had taken cocaine for at least six years.

On the night he died, Mr Tizzard called police to his parent's house three times when he believed someone was trying to break in.

Mr Tizzard's mother, Janet, discovered him dead on his bedroom floor after returning from holiday at 2.45pm the next day.

Toxicology tests showed Mr Tizzard had 1.1milligrammes of cocaine in 100 millilitres of blood.

Coroner Nicholas Gardiner recorded a verdict of accidental death.

Speaking after the verdict, Mrs Tizzard, 52, said: "It's been a massive shock for us."