Sir — Gerald van Dam, of Eynsham, (Letters, October 24) lists what he thinks has been forgotten in the Summertown shopping area enhancement, now nearly complete.

He thinks that the pavements are too wide. But in fact most of the eastern side belongs to the shops, not the county council, and is no wider than before. On the west, there used to be two sections which have now been resurfaced as one, which effectively creates more space on which to put the planned trees and cycle racks.

He thinks that there are too few cycle racks and too few trees — more of both are still to go in. He thinks there are too few disabled parking spaces — this will need reviewing if found to be needed. He thinks that the seats are of too high quality — perhaps a matter of taste.

He thinks that there should be a dedicated cycle lane. The decision to copy the Cowley Road's sharing of the roadway in the 20mph zone between cars, lorries, buses and cycles was deliberate. Accidents have fallen there and we hope that the Banbury Road through Summertown will also prove safer.

There has been a great deal of public consultation in the planning. As local councillors, we shall insist that the whole scheme is reviewed next year to see whether changes are necessary.

Dermot Roaf and Jean Fooks, County councillors for Summertown and Wolvercote