Sir — In response to councillor Tanner's latest letter in your newspaper, asking for people's views on rubbish and recycling, may I relate my tale.

I live on a street in East Oxford, between Cowley and Iffley Roads. It comprises of terraced houses with businesses on each corner and a lane that serves the back of various shops on Cowley Road. The houses have no side entrances but the businesses do. Six days a week, the council collects from these premises, sometimes daily, sometimes less often. This includes a 6.20am collection on Saturday from a burger bar on one corner, which regularly wakes me and is not the best way to start a weekend.

I wrote to councillor Tanner about this unnecessary early collection, but received no reply.

I am tempted to call him at 6.20am on a Saturday, but would probably be arrested for harassment, whereas his department's harassment of me and other people in the street is, in his eyes, quite acceptable. It is unfortunate that we can't all live in cosy, suburban cul-de-sacs like our esteemed "board member for a cleaner green Oxford".

However, if the council sees it as so necessary to collect largely unsorted waste from commercial premises on a daily basis, I can't understand why we householders need to wait two weeks. It is not environmentally friendly, nor is it clean, nor is it green.

D. Leake, Oxford