A soldier killed in a car crash on the A34 was over the drink-drive limit and was not wearing a seatbelt, an inquest has heard.

Private David Liddon, 20, who served with 3 Logistic Support Regiment based at Dalton Barracks, near Abingdon, died when his Vauxhall Corsa flipped on the southbound carriageway near Drayton in April.

The 20-year-old was driving the car after a night out.

A sample of blood showed he had 92 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.

The legal limit is 80 milligrammes in 100 millilitres of blood.

At the inquest into his death, which was held at Oxford Coroner's Court today, relative Emma Liddon, 27, said: "Although he didn't have a full life, he lived his life to the full.

"He enjoyed every bit of it and he was always very happy."

Coroner Nicholas Gardiner recorded a verdict of accidental death.