A security guard from Cowley has become Oxford's first resident Nigerian chief.

Christian Ebede, from Barns Road, became a chief of the Ibo tribe in front of about 600 people at a 'coming out' ceremony on Saturday.

The 54-year-old received special dispensation to hold the ceremony at the Kassam Stadium, as he has lived in the city for past 24 years.

The Ibo — sometimes spelt Igbo — is divided up into many sub groups, or clans, and has a population of about 30 million, with 150,000 currently thought to be living in the UK.

Mr Ebede is one in a line of chiefs in the tribe and the title has been passed down thourgh his paternal line.

After the death of his father in Nigeria, Mr Ebede sought permission from the elders in his village to hold the ceremony here and now he will become a leading figure for his clan.

He said: "The ceremony is part of culture in Nigeria, but I have lived in Oxford for the past 24 years so it made sense to have it here."

Although Mr Ebede will continue to live in Oxford and run his company Ozone Security from the Kassam Stadium, he could be called back to his native land at any moment.

In times of emergency, the father-of-four would travel back to his clan where he would work with a council of elders and lieutenants to solve any crisis.

It also means he would be the first point of call, ahead of police, if there were troubles in the Nigerian community in Oxford.

Mr Ebede said he would give guidance and advise people over matters such as minor domestic problems or divorce.

Mr Ebede explained his new role in the community: "If someone has a problem with a fellow Nigerian, they can come to me.

"They will then have to tell me the exact details of the problems and I will offer guidance.

"It's not about big crimes, I will leave that to the police, and I wouldn't administer punishments as that is not the role.

"In the village where my family are from I am called Osufia, someone who helps people along with their dreams, the person who helps them to achieve."

The ceremony was attended by fellow Ibo chiefs from London, Manchester and Birmingham. After the ceremony of traditional Nigerian dances, entertainment, and food, Mr Ebede returned to his home in Cowley and stayed awake throughout the night as people visited and paid homage.

Mr Ebede's wife, Lolo Ekwutosi, also became an important part of the community and from now on must be at his side during all official engagements.

Dr Chinasa Anya, from Kidlington, is a fellow Ibo, and was on the organising committee for the event.

He said: "It was brilliant. The celebrations carried on until about 2am.

"Although many of us are from different clans within the Ibo, now the Ibo community here in Oxford will be able to go to Chief Ebede for advice and guidance."