A thief who snatched a wallet from a man in Oxford's Cowley Road was today given a suspended jail sentence.

Oxford Crown Court heard Aaron Gardner, of no fixed address, took the wallet from his victim after asking him for change at 3.40am on June 13.

Andrew Morgan, prosecuting, said Gardner, 23, and a friend approached their victim at the corner of Bullingdon Road asking for cash, before he gave them £2.

Mr Morgan said: "They went off. They then came back to him and asked if he had anything smaller.

"They asked him to get his wallet out and check. As his wallet was removed it was grabbed from his hand."

He said Gardner then put his hand into his victim's pocket and tried to grab his mobile phone.

Mr Morgan added the victim managed to alert a passing police car and the officer began chasing Gardner and saw him throwing items away, including a black lock knife.

Tim Boswell, defending, said Gardner had admitted one charge of theft but denied trying to take the phone.

He added Gardner also admitted possessing the knife.

Judge Julian Hall gave Gardner 36 weeks in jail, suspended for one year, and a 12-month supervision order.

He said: "This was a mean street snatch late at night."