A primary school is embarking on a year of activities to mark its 100th birthday and celebrate its place in an Oxford community.

Windmill Primary School, in Margaret Road, Headington, has been been helping to mould the minds of young people since it was founded in 1908.

Headteacher Lynn Knapp said it was a remarkable achievement for the school and hopes to unveil plans to commemorate the occasion within the next few weeks.

She said: "Getting to 100 is a fantastic thing that doesn't happen to many schools. "I want to bring the windmill back to Windmill. As far as I'm aware, there has never been one on the site.

"I would like to create a small working windmill on the site, big enough for the children to go into and use.

"I think it would be a fantastic way to celebrate the anniversary. The children will be involved with helping us to design it and we will involve them all the way throughout the process."

The cost of the project is not yet known. However, Mrs Knapp said funding would come from the private partnership with Creative Junction — which is providing £20,000 a year over the next three years to work on creative school projects.

"The plan is to meet with artists in early November and come up with some ideas that we can then take back to the children," she added.

The school has also made contact with several local historians and obtained the original school records.

Mrs Knapp said: "They are quite remarkable really. The school used to be an infant and junior school until they combined in 1971 and in 1974 it became a first school.

"It was also the first school to be run by the council in Oxford, rather than under the control of the church."

The headteacher said pupils would also be researching the school's history during the next year and called for help from the local community and former pupils.

She said: "We would like to hear from anyone that came to the school or has been involved with the school in its history.

"What we would like to do is invite people to talk to the children. It would be great for them to interview people and carry out the research, rather than just simply having it given to them.

Mrs Knapp is also looking for copies of old photographs of the school. Anyone who can help, can call the school on 01865 762509.