It has been announced on TV and in the papers that the county council wishes to extend the pedestrian zone in the city centre so that buses will stop even further from the middle of Oxford.

They are talking about making passengers change on to a second bus, a giant bendy-bus, which will be the only one allowed to go further in than Magdalen Bridge.

It is essential that a lot of people unite to protest against this idea promptly, well in advance.

To extend the pedestrian zone even further would be highly inconvenient for the vast majority of people.

The existing pedestrian zone is bad enough.

It adds a lot of time to the simplest journey. It has cut bus routes in half and then the city council says that they do not influence bus travel decisions!

The prospect of having to change buses in a two-mile journey is a very bad idea.

As for bendy-buses, they caused so many problems wherever they were tried out, you have to be around the bend yourself to want to go back to them.

People need a bus service that takes them right into the city centre where they need to go. Otherwise they will fall back on bringing their cars in.

We know when we hear councillors (city or county) talking about a "wonderful pedestrian experience" that this jargon means they are about to impose another one of their unwelcome, unnecessary and unhelpful schemes on the city centre.

JULIA GASPER Trinity Road Headington Oxford