A winter crackdown on cyclists riding without lights in Oxford starts tomorrow now that the clocks have gone back an hour.

The campaign is being launched between 6.30pm and 9.30pm in High Street, with police and the county council's road safety team.

Cyclists who are caught will be given £30 fixed penalty fines. But they will get the money back if they can produce a receipt after buying lights within seven days of receiving the fine.

The deal will only last till the end of November, although checks will continue throughout the winter months.

PC Mark Pilling, from the Abingdon Road Policing Unit, said: "This approach is intended to improve road safety for cyclists on roads throughout the city.

"As the nights draw in, even in well-lit streets anyone cycling without lights is vulnerable and a danger to pedestrians.

"At this time of year, many students arrive in the city.

“Many buy a bike, but in order to save themselves a few pounds, they fail to buy lights for it."