A fire safety campaign targeting businesses and homes situated above shops is to be launched in the Cowley Road area of Oxford.

The fire service will inspect every such business in the Cowley Road area — believed to total more than 100 — to check they are complying with fire regulations, starting on Saturday, November 1.

Steve Harrison, Oxford fire risk manager for the fire and rescue service, said: "It is very important.

"What we are looking to do is assist local businesses to comply with fire safety legislation and to ensure that peoples lives are not at risk.

"We want to make sure all the buildings within the Oxford area are as safe as they can be."

He said the procedure was likely to take several months, with the occupiers of each premises informed they would be having a check-up, prior to the inspector's visIt.

Mr Harrison added: "In the vast majority of cases, we will be able to discuss with the occupier any minor things they may need to address and will deal with those.

"But ultimately, on the rare occasions where necessary, if they are just not complying with fire safety legislation and not working with us, we will take enforcement action."

He said there had not been any specific incidents that had led them to choose the Cowley Road area, but said it had been selected due to the high number of shops and restaurants with homes above.

He said: "We have to ensure they have got adequate means of escape and the escape routes are kept clear at all times.

"We also need to make sure they have got suitable means of giving warning in the event of fire such as fire alarms and smoke detectors."

And watch manager Dave Simmons, who will be leading one of the teams, said: "Flats or housing above business premises can be at a greater risk of fire damage and occupants can be more likely to become trapped in the event of a fire."

The campaign follows similar inspections in all the city's guest houses and boarding houses and Mr Harrison said each area was chosen on the basis of risk to life.

He said: "We want to do everything we can to prevent a fire starting in the first place, but also, should a fire occur, to make sure they have got all the means necessary to make sure people are alerted to the fire and can safely leave the premises."

The checks are being carried out in association with Oxford City Council's environmental health department.