Oxfordshire's MPs tonight urged the county to unite behind this year's Poppy Appeal.

Royal British Legion volunteers are hitting the streets over the coming fortnight to cover the county in red poppies.

Backed by the Oxford Mail, they are aiming to top last year's county fundraising total of £611,089.

The appeal, officially launched at St Edward's School in Oxford yesterday, runs until Armistice Day, Tuesday, November 11.

Conservative Party leader and Witney MP David Cameron was happy to be sporting a red flower for once and said: "The theme for this year's appeal (Serving Those Who Serve) sums up the reason for wearing a poppy.

"Ninety years after the end of the First World War, and with so many still serving in conflicts today, we are recognising the debt we owe to those who have sacrificed so much."

Oxford East Labour MP Andrew Smith said the country owed a huge debt to the armed forces.

He added: "It's only right to thank all those who gave their lives for us in the past and are putting their lives on the line today. We owe a huge debt.

"It's important to remember that we and many people in other countries too only enjoy the rights we have today because of the sacrifice of those we honour by supporting the Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Day."

Banbury MP Tony Baldry added: "There are thousands of British servicemen today serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and all around the world.

"At any moment any one of them could be wounded or indeed killed.

"Wearing a poppy is a very straightforward way for us to demonstrate our support for the armed forces and the work they do on our behalf. We have a duty of care to look after them and their families."

Henley MP John Howell said: "One of the most poignant moments of the parliamentary week is when the names of those servicemen killed most recently are read out just before the hurly-burly of Prime Minister's Question Time."

Oxford West and Abingdon Liberal Democrat MP Dr Evan Harris said: "Respect and remembrance for those who sacrifice themselves for us is absolutely critical.

"The wearing of poppies is a key part of doing that."

Wantage MP Ed Vaizey could not be contacted last night.

  • If you want to do more for the Poppy Appeal than just buying one — for instance becoming a seller — call 0800 085 5924 or see the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal website.